Certificate in Animal Law

The Certificate in Animal Law, awarded to qualified Lewis & Clark Law School students upon graduation, recognizes successful curriculum concentration in the field of animal law. In order to receive a Certificate, students who believe they fulfill the requirements must complete an application form and the Paper Requirement form linked in the Documents section below. Students qualify for a Certificate in Animal Law by satisfying the course, paper, and grade point average requirements set forth below.

This page describes the requirements to obtain a certificate in Animal Law and provides links to the documents that must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by February 1st for a May graduation date or October 31st for a January graduation date.

Please also visit the Animal Law program page for general information about Animal Law at Lewis & Clark Law School.



Paper Requirement (must submit a copy for each of 2 papers)


A. Course Requirements

1. To obtain the certificate, a student must satisfactorily complete the following two courses:

2. In addition, a student must complete eight (8) additional credits of approved Animal Law Courses from the following:

B. Paper Requirement

Two (2) substantial papers on Animal Law topics, approved by an animal law faculty member. Each paper must have a paper requirement document submitted with the professor’s signature.

C. Grade Point Requirement - Updated Fall 2023

The student must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 in certificate courses. To obtain the Certificate “with Distinction,” a student must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.67 or better in courses that are taken and submitted to satisfy the requirements of the Certificate.

For students graduating in 2024 or 2025, if the average of all courses submitted for the certificate is below 3.0 but is at least 2.7, then the student will receive the certificate if all certificate courses taken in Fall 2023 or after and submitted for the certificate meet the 3.0 average.

Updated 9/11/23