
Externships - Associate Dean Libby Davis and Professor Hadley Van Vactor

  • Course Number: LAW-804 and LAW-810
  • Course Type: Experiential
  • Credits: varies (3-12 credits)
  • Enrollment Limit: None
  • Description: An externship offers students the opportunity to earn academic credits for a carefully supervised, well-crafted work experience. The expectation is that students will be given a meaningful work experience, with a focus on student learning, in a field of law or work that enhances and builds on their classroom experience. Externships include a placement (off-campus work) and class (1 in-person pre-externship class and a 13-week contemporaneous TWEN class) components.

    Externships must be arranged well in advance and must be pre-approved through the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Careful pre-planning is required.

  • Prerequisite: varies
  • Evaluation Method: field work; class component
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no

Detailed Externship information