Advanced Animal Law

Advanced Animal Law - Professors David B. Rosengard and Priscilla Rader

  • Course Number: LAW-549
  • Course Type: Highly Specialized
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
  • Description: Students will work collaboratively with the instructor to identify significant emergent trends in animal law, areas within animal law that are under-developed, and other animal legal issues worthy of exploration in depth. The course will then explore each of these identified topics through the semester, as participants gain deeper insight into the field of animal law, and refine their personal animal law jurisprudence.

    As such, course content shifts from year to year, responsive to participants. Frequently addressed areas include: legal arguments for changing or preserving the status of animals under the law; intersectionality between animal law and other legal movements; the interaction between animal law and efforts to reshape the criminal justice system; the impact of emergent technology on animal law; what work rights do under the law—and how a given creature may benefit from them.

  • Prerequisite: Animal Law Fundamentals (previously offered as Animals in the Law)
  • Evaluation Method: Participation, Final Paper
  • Capstone: Yes
  • WIE: Yes