William Funk
Lewis & Clark Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
Professor Funk is the author of American Constitutional Structure and a co-author of one of the leading administrative law casebooks, Administrative Procedure and Practice: Problems and Cases, as well as Administrative Law: Examples & Explanations and the Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook. Together with Professor Craig Johnston, Professor Funk is also a co-author of Legal Protection of the Environment, an environmental law casebook. In 2004-05, Funk was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Heidelberg, where he taught both American constitutional law and environmental law. Funk has published numerous articles on administrative and environmental issues, including in such publications as the Duke Law Journal, the Harvard Journal on Legislation, the Yale Journal on Regulation, the Administrative Law Review, and the U.C.L.A Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. He has chaired both the Administrative Law and Natural Resources Law Sections of the American Association of Law Schools. Funk is also active in the American Bar Association, where he recently served on the ABA’s President’s Task Force on Preemption of State Tort Law and where he is a Fellow of the Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Section, which he formerly chaired and on whose Council he served. Professor Funk is also a Center for Progressive Reform Scholar, a member of the American Law Institute, and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. He has been admitted to practice in New York, the District of Columbia, and before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Before coming to the law school to teach, Professor Funk was an assistant general counsel at the U.S. Department of Energy and earned a special citation for exceptional performance from the Secretary of Energy. Prior to that Funk served as the principal staff member of the Legislation Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where he was instrumental in the drafting of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Before joining the House Committee, Funk was a staff attorney in the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice, where he received a special commendation for outstanding service. Immediately after law school he clerked for Judge James Oakes of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
Specialty Areas and Course Descriptions
- Administrative Law,
- Constitutional Law I and II,
- Environmental Law,
- Graduate Environmental Law Seminar
Academic Credentials
- BA 1967 Harvard University
- JD, Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and James Kent Scholar, 1973 Columbia University School of Law
- Writing and research editor, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
Separately Published Works
- ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: EXAMPLES & EXPLANATIONS, 3d Ed. (Aspen Law & Business 2009); 2d Ed. (Aspen Law & Business 2006) (both co-authored with Richard Seamon)
- INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE (Thomson West 2008); and Teachers Manual (ThomsonWest 2008)
- FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE SOURCEBOOK, 4th Ed. (ABA Press 2008); 3d Ed. (ABA Press 2000) (both co-authored with Jeffrey Lubbers and Charles Pou)
- LEGAL PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, 3d Ed. (Thomson West 2010); 2d Ed. (Thomson West 2007); 1st Ed. (West Group 2005) (both co-authored with Craig Johnston and Victor Flatt)
- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE: PROBLEMS AND CASES, 3d Ed. (West Group 2006) (co-authored with Sidney Shapiro and Russell Weaver)
Works Published As Part of a Collection
- Slip Slidin’ Away: The Erosion of APA Adjudication, 122 Penn State Law Review 141 (2017)
- Final Agency Action After Hawkes, 11 New York University Journal of Law & Liberty 285 (2017)
- Response to “Choosing A Court To Review The Executive”, 67 Admin. L. Rev. Accord 88 (2015)
- Standing in A GUIDE TO JUDICIAL AND POLITICAL REVIEW OF FEDERAL AGENCIES, American Bar Association Press (Second Edition) (2015)
- Agency Oversight by the Political Branches in A GUIDE TO JUDICIAL AND POLITICAL REVIEW OF FEDERAL AGENCIES, American Bar Association Press (Second Edition) (2015)
- David and Goliath-Taking on OIRA, 30 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 63 (2014)
- Climate Change and the Puget Sound: Building the Legal Framework for Adaptation, Center for Progressive Reform (2011) (co-authored with Robert L. Glicksman, Catherine O’Neill, Yee Huang, William L. Andreen, Robin Kundis Craig, Victor Flatt, Dale Goble, Alice Kaswan and Robert R.M. Verchick)
- Electronic Surveillance of Terrorism in the United States, 80 Miss. L. J. 1491 (2011)
- Plausibility Pleading: Barring the Courthouse Door to Deserving Claimants,
- Center for Progressive Reform (2010) (co-authored with Thomas McGarity, Sidney Shapiro and James Goodwin)
- Fifty FDAs: An Argument for Federal Preemption of State Tort Law That is Less Than Meets the Eye, A Center for Progressive Reform White Paper (2009) (co-authored with William Buzbee, James Goodwin, Thomas McGarity, Sidney Shapiro and Matthew Shudtz)
- Public Participation and Transparency in Administrative Law: Three Examples as an Object Lesson, 61 Admin. L. Rev. 171 (2009)
- Constitutional Implications of Regional CO2 Cap-and-Trade Programs: The Northeast Regional Greehouse Gas Initiative as a Case in Point, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. and Pol’y 353 (2009)
- The Truth about Torts: Regulatory Preemption at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, A Center for Progressive Reform White Paper (2008) (co-authored with Thomas McGarity, Nina Mendelson, Sidney Shapiro, David Vladeck and Matthew Schudtz)
- Limiting Federal Agency Preemption: Recommendations for a New Federalism Executive Order, A Center for Progressive Reform White Paper (2008) (co-authored with Sidney Shapiro, David Vladeck, Nina Mendelson, Thomas McGaraity and Matthew Schudtz)
- Preemption by Federal Agency Action in Preemptive Choice: The Theory, Law, and Reality of Federalism’s Core Question, Cambridge University Press (2008)
- The Truth About Torts: Using Agency Preemption to Undercut Consumer Helath and Safety, A Center for Progressive Reform White Paper (2007) (co-authored with Sidney Shapiro, David Vladeck, and Karen Sokol)
- Endangered Species Act in CPR for the Environment: Breathing New Life into the Nation’s Major Environmental Statutes (Center for Progressive Reform) (2007)
- Electronic Surveillance of Terrorism: The Intelligence/Law Enforcement Dilemma - A History, 11 Lewis & Clark Law Rev. 1099 (2007) (http://ssrn.com/ abstract=1098940).
- Intimidation and the Internet, 110 Penn. St. L. Rev. 579 (2006)
- The Same Sex Marriage Debate in the United States, DAJV (German-American Lawyers Association) Newsletter 2/2005, at 49
- Political Checks on the Administrative Process, in A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies (ABA Press 2005)
- Legislating for NonLegislative Rules, 56 Admin. L. Rev. 1023 (2004)
- The Federal Advisory Committee Act, in Major Acts of Congress (Macmillan 2003)
- Government Management of the Administrative Process, in A Blackletter Statement of Federal Administrative Law, 54 Admin. L. Rev. 1, 76 (2002)
- When is a Rule a Regulation? Marking a Clear Line Between Nonlegislative Rules and Legislative Rules, 54 Admin. L. Rev. (2002)
- Pesticides, Chapter 7 in Environmental and Natural Resources Law (Oregon State Bar 2002)
- A Primer on Nonlegislative Rules, 53 Admin. L. Rev. 1321 (2001)
- The Court, the Clean Water Act, and the Constitution: SWANCC and Beyond, 31 Env. L. Rep. (July 2001)
- Constitutional Law, Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice – 1999-2000 (ABA Press 2001)
- Supreme Court News, 26 Admin. & Reg. L. News 6 (Spring 2001)
- Supreme Court News, 26 Admin. & Reg. L. News 8 (Winter 2001)
- Supreme Court News, 26 Admin. & Reg. L. News 6 (Fall 2000)
- Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies – New Dimensions since Darby, 17 Pace Env. L. Rev. 401 (2000)
- My Ideal “Casebook” or What’s Wrong with Administrative Law Legal Education and How to Fix It, In a Nutshell (so to speak), 38 Brandeis L. J. 247 (2000)
- Supreme Court News, 25 Admin. & Reg. L. News 6 (Spring 2000)
- Supreme Court News, 25 Admin. & Reg. L. News 8 (Summer 2000)
- Pesticides, Environmental Deskbook (Oregon State Bar 2000)
- Supreme Court News, 24 Admin. & Reg. L. News 4 (Summer 1999)
- Wetlands, Environmental Law Practice Guide: State and Federal Law (Matthew Bender 1999)
- Encyclopedia of Religion and the Constitution (contributor for entries on Antonin Scalia, Pledge of Allegiance, Day of Prayer, In God We Trust, Standing and Religion, and Public Funding of Religious Education) (Garland Publishing 1999)
- Standing in the Supreme Court and Circuits, October Term 1997, 51 Admin. L. Rev. 343 (Spring 1999)
- Supreme Court News, 25 Admin. & Reg. L. News 4 (Fall 1999)
- Bargaining Toward the New Millennium: Regulatory Negotiation and the Subversion of the Public Interest, 46 Duke L. J. 1351 (1997)
- Review Essay: Faith in Texts — Justice Scalia’s Interpretation of Statutes and the Constitution: Apostasy for the Rest of Us?, 49 Admin. L. Rev. 825 (1997)
- The Federal Advisory Committee Act and Good Government(with Professor Steven Croley), 14 Yale J. on Reg., 451 (1997)
- To Preserve Meaningful Judicial Review, 49 Admin. L. Rev., 171 (1997)
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 21 (Winter 1996), at 6
- RIP ACUS, Admin. & Reg. L. News 21 (Winter 1996), at 1
- More Stealth Regulatory Reform, Admin. & Reg. L. News 21 (Summer 1996), at 1
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 21 (Summer 1996), at 6
- Bennett v. Plenert: Using Citizen Suits to Enforce the Limits of the Endangered Species Act, Admin L. Bul. 10 (July 1996) at 1
- Beyond Casebooks, Beyond Treatises: Administrative Law Readers (Book Review), 9 Admin. L. J. of the Amer. Univ. 361 (1995)
- Justice Breyer and Environmental Law, 8 Admin. L. J. of the Amer. Univ. 735 (1995)
- Pesticides, in Enviro. L. Manual (Oregon Law Institute 1995)
- Dolan v. City of Tigard, 25 Enviro. L. 127 (1995)
- Panel Discussion (A Colloquium on Dolan), 25 Enviro. L. 111 (1995)
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 21 (Fall 1995), at 3
- Report Card on Regulatory Reform, Admin. & Reg. L. News 20 (Summer 1995), at 1
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 20 (Summer 1995), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 20 (Spring 1995), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 20 (Winter 1995), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 20 (Fall 1994), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 19 (Summer 1994), at 6
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 19 (Spring 1994), at 6
- Close Enough for Government Work? - Using Informal Procedures for Imposing Administrative Penalties, 24 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1 (1993)
- Revolution or Restatement? Awaiting Answers to Lucas’ Unanswered Questions, 23 Enviro. L. 891 (1993)
- Panel Discussion(A Colloquium on Lucas), 23 Enviro. L. 925 (1993)
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 19 (Winter 1994), at 4
- The Other Chevron Doctrine: When Court Decisions Only Have Future Effect, Admin. L. News 19 (Fall 1993), at 6
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 18 (Summer 1993), at 5
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 18 (Spring 1993), at 6
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 18 (Winter 1993), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 18 (Fall 1992), at 4
- Supreme Court News, Admin. & Reg. L. News 17 (Summer 1992), at 5
- Free Market Environmentalism: Wonder Drug or Snake Oil?, 15 Harv. J. of L. and Public Policy 511 (1992)
- Hurdles to Justice: Justiciability Issues in the Supreme Court An Outline, 6 Admin. L. J. of the Amer. Univ. 286 (1992)
- Supreme Court News, Admin. L. News 17 (Spring 1992), at 5
- Supreme Court News, Admin. L. News (Winter 1992), at 5
- Clarence Thomas and Administrative Law, 12 J. of the Nat. Assoc. of Admin. L. Judges 40 (1992)
- Dear Mrs. Souter…, The Advocate 11 (Autumn 1991), at 15
- Rationality Review of State Administrative Rulemaking, 43 Admin. L. Rev. 147 (1991)
- Supreme Court News, Admin. L. News 17 (Fall 1991), at 6
- Supreme Court News, Admin. L. News 16 (Summer 1991), at 6
- Recent Supreme Court Cases, Admin. L. News 16 (Spring 1991), at 1
- Justice Souter and Administrative Law, Admin. L. News 16 (Winter 1991), at 5
- Book Review, 43 Admin. L. Rev. 127 (1991)(reviewing Peter L. Strauss, AN INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE IN THE UNITED STATES (1989))
- NEPA at Energy: An Exercise in Legal Narrative, 20 Environ. L. 759 (1990)
- End of Term Supreme Court Administrative Law Decisions, Admin. L. News 16 ( Fall 1990), at 3
- Supreme Court Paperwork Decision May Limit OMB Review, Admin. L. News 15 (Spring 1990), at 3
- Due Process — Substantive or Procedural?, Admin. L. News 15 (Spring 1990), at 9
- New Regulations on Federal Paperwork, Admin. L. News 14 (Summer 1988), at 3
- When Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: Regulatory Negotiation and the Public Interest EPA’s Woodstove Standards, 18 Enviro. L. 55 (1987)
- Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments, Admin. L. News 12 (Spring 1987), at 3
- The Paperwork Reduction Act: Paperwork Reduction Meets Administrative Law, 24 Harv. J. on Leg. 1 (1987)
- Federal and State Superfunds: Cooperative Federalism or Federal Preemption, 16 Enviro. L. 1 (1985)
- The Exception that Approves the Rule: FDF Variances Under the Clean Water Act, 13 Boston College Enviro. Affairs L. Rev. 1 (1985)
- Recent Environmental Law Casebooks: Searching for a Pedagogical Principle, 15 Enviro. L. 201 (1984)
- Alive and Well in the Leviathan State: A Reply to Professor Huffman, The Advocate Vol. 4 (Autumn 1984), at 14
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