
Past Events

February 20

What is Health Law?

Come to our panel to learn about Health Law, course offerings and a possible future in this field. Lewis & Clark Law School’s faculty, Professor Kenagy and Professor Okoh, will be providing insight on this area of law and their practices. Lunch will be provided, with gluten-free and vegan options available.

April 10, 2017

OSB’s Health Law Section Q&A Panel

Curious about current legal opportunities for Health Law in Portland’s market? Wondering what ‘Health Law’ even means? Join Health Society for a Q&A with members of the Oregon State Bar. Food and drinks provided. Questions? Email Martha Izenson <>.
February 22, 2017

Be The Match Donor Drive

ATTN: ORGAN DONORS – You are not yet registered to donate bone marrow unless you separately register and complete a DNA cheek swab. BeTheMatch is coming to register as many people as possible for this life-saving database.

Walk in or make an appointment:

Questions? Visit

February 8, 2017

Lewis & Clark Law School Blood Drive!

Join us to donate blood and you can help save up to three people! Walk-ins welcome, or you can schedule your appointment at 1-800-RED-CROSS or (sponsor code: HealthLaw).

Health Law Society Panel Event 

April 11, 2019 Room 1, 12:10pm - 1:15pm

From Crime to Recovery: Reframing Addiction in Oregon as a Public Health Crisis

Four esteemed panelists will discuss how healthcare, legislative action and criminal justice intersect in Oregon and what future lawyers can do to change perceptions on addiction and recovery. Co-sponsored by HLS. Lunch provided. You may RSVP here to help us plan for attendance, but it is not required. Speaker information available here.    


Health Law Society presents: Medical-Legal Partnership.

 Monday, Feb. 8, Wood Hall, Room 7, 12:10.

Lewis & Clark Law School 3L Laura Russell and local attorney Rachel Arnold discuss their efforts and the principles and concepts of a collaborative medical-legal partnership, having huge positive impact on patient care. Lunch provided.


Health Law Society presents:  attorney Peter Ricoy will speak on Health Care Fraud and Abuse​.

Wednesday, January 20, 12:10 pm, Wood Hall room 8.


OSB Health Law Section event

Friday, November 13

Health care reform continues to impact delivery of employee benefits in major ways.  Bethany Bacci, a partner in the Stoel Rives Employee Benefits Group, will cover current questions employers are asking regarding compliance with the Affordable Care Act, including the ins and outs of information reporting, who you might overlook when assessing your employer shared responsibility payment exposure, and what to think about now for the Cadillac Tax in 2018.  Please bring your questions for discussion.  Lunch provided. 


Practical Effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -

Tuesday, November 10, noon.

Pursuant to the ACA, the federal government assesses hospital penalties for excessive readmission. Stephanie Fine, Cardiovascular Portfolio Lead at Providence, presents the necessary changes one hospital system has implemented in light of the ACA, and illuminates in part what the ACA actually does.


In-house Counsel and Human Resources

Tuesday, November 3, 12:10 pm, Room 4 Lunch will be provided.

Co-sponsored event with the Labor and Employment Law Society

Kaiser Permanente Employee and Labor Relations attorneys will speak on alternative career paths and associated job satisfaction in this healthcare setting.  There will be a panel of six attorneys from Kaiser Permanente Employee and Labor Relations, some of whom are Lewis and Clark alumni.  They’re looking to meet interested law students.


October 12, 2015: Kathleen Haley, JD, Executive Director of the Oregon Medical Board, will present an overview of the Oregon Medical Board, whose mission is to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregon citizens by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.


Friday, October 9, 2015:  Oregon State Bar Health Law Section’s annual meeting.  HLS member, and last year’s Co-chair of the HLS, Laura Russell, who is a 3L at Lewis and Clark, will be speaking on The Medical Legal Partnership:
The Medical-Legal Partnership: Impacting Health through Legal Services
Rachel Arnold of Health Share of Oregon and Laura Russell, 3L at Lewis & Clark Law, will explain how legal interventions can improve patient and population health. Additionally, the presenters will discuss current efforts to implement this multi-disciplinary patient care model in Oregon. 


September 9, 2015:  Visiting Lecture:  Shannon O’Fallon, JD, from the Oregon Department of Justice, spoke on Marijuana Law Update, Medical and Recreational


POSTED APRIL 25, 2015:

The next Health Law Section Happy Hour is at Davis Wright on 5/7/15 at 4:30 – 6pm. 1300 SW fifth Ave. Suite 2400.   

The next brown bag is at Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy – Suite 900 12-1pm June 12 (Representatives from Major, Lindsey & Africa, law placement firm speaking on the employment market for health care lawyers.)



1.  A reminder that the first IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) Open School West Coast Regional Conference is in Portland next week on April 17th and 18th.  Registration information was sent in previous email.  For questions, Co-chair Laura Russell.
2.  OSB Health Law Section has a brown bag event:   
Behavioral Health in Oregon
Eric Neiman
Williams Kastner


Friday, April 10, 2015, 12:00 Noon

Stoel Rives LLP
900 SW 5th Ave Ste 2600
Portland OR  97204


 3.  OSB Health Law Section also has a brown bag on April 30:

We’re also holding another brown bag on Thursday, April 30th and the topic will be legislative update.  One of the exec team members will be providing an update on relevant health law legislation coming out of the current legislative session.  The event is from noon-1pm and will be held at the Schwabe firm downtown.  Official notice should be coming out soon.

 4.  Finally, on the evening of April 20:  at OHSU, there will be a panel discussion regarding the currently debated bill in Salem:  Oregon’s Right to Try bill, in which earlier access to experimental drugs would be permitted to certain patients in Oregon (post Phase I in the FDA approval process).  This is a controversial subject, and there will be discussion from the patient care community, medical research community, legal community, and health care policy community.  Stay tuned for more information.



Business in Health Law Panel Discussion

Wood Hall  Room 8 Wednesday March 18 12:10-1:10

Health Law is a constantly evolving and dynamic area of law. Careers on the business side of health law can be tremendously rewarding, often overlapping with other areas of exciting expertise. Come hear representatives from the private and public sectors discuss their experiences doing Business in Health Law. Lunch provided.  


Feb 27, 2015:  Symposium:  21st Century Healthcare:  Can We Harmonize Access, Quality & Cost?   Willamette University,, student cost $45 for all day

September 17, 2014:  Paul Blaylock, MD, JD:  lecture on Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act

March 17, 2014:  Bruce Howell, JD, MS:  lecture on Recent Developments in the Affordable Care Act

March 5, 2014:  Donna Maddux, JD, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Fraud Unit:  lecture on Health Care Fraud