
The faculty teaching criminal law courses at Lewis & Clark are experts in their fields and are among the best instructors in the country. They are often called upon to share their expertise with the media on high profile criminal law issues and cases, and presenting at conferences and workshops around the globe.

Criminal Law

Doug Beloof

Emeritus Professor of Law

Meg Garvin

Executive Director, National Crime Victim Law Institute; Clinical Professor of Law, Crime Victim Litigation Clinic

Aliza Kaplan

Professor of Lawyering and Director, Criminal Justice Reform Clinic

Robert Klonoff

Jordan D. Schnitzer Professor of Law

Kathleen M. Maloney

Visiting Professor

Michele Okoh

Assistant Professor of Law
John P)arry, Associate Dean of Faculty

John Parry

Interim Dean and Edward Brunet Professor of Law
Tung Yin

Tung Yin (溵其彤)

Professor of Law