Clinic Projects
Strategic Impact Litigation
Clinic students will conduct research and writing on victim law to inform and assist with litigation nationwide. Products can include creating 50-state surveys to inform a brief, drafting informative and persuasive legal memoranda and drafting pleading.
Amicus Curiae (“Friend of the court”)
Clinic students will draft briefs for state and federal trial and appellate courts on issues that relate to victim law. Students have worked on briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court, several Federal Circuit Courts, as well as appellate courts of Alaska, Arizona, California, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Utah.
Public Policy
Clinic students will research the state of the law nationally and drafting model legislation and/or testimony for state and federal consideration.
Direct Representation
Certified law students may have the chance to represent victims on issues involving crime victim compensation applications and appeals; parole hearings; subpoenas for private information issued in criminal cases. Direct representation opportunities depend upon the term and are less common than other opportunities.