WebAdvisor FAQs
WebAdvisor for Students | Viewing the Course Selection Process in WebAdvisor
For your further information, there are other FAQs listed on the WebAdvisor screens.
- When can On-Line Add/Drops be processed?
- What are the Credit Limits for Each Division?
- How can the Division be changed?
- How does a student process a Total Withdrawal or Leave of Absence?
- How are Wait Lists handled?
- How do I find the course number and section easily if I only know the course title?
- What do I do to register a course that needs permission?
- What are the common registration errors?
- What do the column headers refer to?
- How can I easily order my official transcript?
- Why can I not login to WebAdvisor?
- How often does the system secure my site by timing me out?
1. When can On-Line Add/Drops be processed?
On-line adding and dropping is allowed through the first week of fall or spring semester.
After the on-line deadline, adds and drops must be done at the Law Registrar’s office.
See the Academic Calendar for add/drop dates and for dates when late fees and special permission requirements go into effect for late adds and drops.
2. What are the Credit Limits for Each Division?
12 credits for the evening division loads
17 credits for the day division loads
There are no overloads.
A message on WebAdvisor indicating an overload means the load must be reduced to the division limit by dropping classes.
If you plan to change divisions to add more credits, you should change divisions at least one business day before registering.
3. How can the Division be changed?
You must petition to switch divisions before you will be able to add hours beyond the limit for the evening division or drop hours to a number below the minimum for the day division.
You can petition online or by filling out the student petition form available in paper form at the Registrar’s office, and then submitting it to the Law Registrar’s office.
You need to allow one business day for the change to take effect once the student petition form has been received by the registrar’s office.
4. How does a student process a Total Withdrawal or Leave of Absence?
Dropping all classes for a semester cannot be done on-line.
Submit a Withdrawal/Leave of Absence petition to the Law Registrar’s office to drop all classes and declare a leave of absence or withdrawal. If no petition is submitted, a student may have to petition for permission to register for subsequent semesters.
5. How are Wait Lists handled?
Once a class closes students may elect to be added to the wait list.
If a seat opens up in a closed class, the first person on the wait list is sent an e-mail invitation to join the class.
A student invited to join the class has 2 days to add the class.
Students may add or drop their name from any wait list at any time during the on-line add/drop period.
The number of students on the wait list is noted on the course information.
6. How do I find the course number and section easily if I only know the course title?
The Course Schedule and Description page shows the course number and section next to the course title. This screen shows the classes in semester and title order for your convenience.
7. What do I do to register a course that needs permission?
These classes must be registered by the registrar. The type of class that requires some kind of permission is law review, Individual Research, CIS, externships, and advanced clinic. The classes that need permission are so noted in the course description.
Generally, the Registrar will have been given a list for a class such as CIS, externships, or law review for example, and you need provide no documentation BUT you must request to have the class added. Upon your request, the Registrar will then add the class to your schedule. The request can be made by e-mail to lawreg@lclark.edu.
Some classes require that application materials be submitted – CIS, for instance – and those materials can be turned in to the Registrar’s office. An independent study requires that the supervising professor complete a form. That form must be submitted to the Registrar along with a request to add the class
8. What are the common registration errors?
Trying to register for too many credits
Choosing classes for which you do not have the necessary pre/co-requisites
Choosing classes that have overlapping meeting times.
Notice of errors will appear at the top of the registration page. If you have made any error NONE of your registration requests will be processed until you have corrected the error.
9. What do the column headers refer to?
The WebAdvisor system is prepared to meet the needs of many types of institutions. The CEU stands for Continuing Education Units, something we do not have at our school. The Repeat indicates that a class was repeated (if the school allows) and will be calculated in a special manner. Pass/Audit refers to the grading status of a class. Our equivalent here is Credit/No Credit. If a “P” appears in this column it means the class is/was offered for credit/no credit and no grade (with a numeric value) is/was assigned. The Grd I, etc. is for classes that may assign mid-term grades for the course. None of our classes use this.
10. How can I easily order my official transcript?
Even though you can see your transcript and copy it on the screen, it will not be an official copy. If you need to order an official transcript, you must submit a written, signed request to the Registrar’s Office. In the request give us your name, social security number, address and phone, the date you were last enrolled, the number of transcripts you require (we will do up to five) and the address(es) you want the transcripts mailed to. You can send this to the Registrar’s Office via fax at 503-768-6850. We process transcripts for no charge every Wednesday afternoon.
11. Why can I not login to WebAdvisor?
Most likely “cookies” are not enabled in your web browser settings. Please follow these instructions on how to configure your web browser for cookies. To find out which version of the browser you are using, click on “Help” and then “About [browser name]”, located on the menu at the top of your browser.
12. How often does the system secure my site by timing me out?
After you log in, if you allow 5 minutes to lapse without using the system, WebAdvisor will time you out. When you try to use WebAdvisor after the 5 minute lapse you will be advised that you have been timed out and you will have to log in again in order to continue using the system.
Law Registrar is located in Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
email lawreg@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6614
fax 503-768-6850
Registrar Tiffany Henning
Law Registrar
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219