Law School Registrar

Office hours: Monday - Friday from 9am - 5:30pm. 

Important Forms


For general information about taking Lewis & Clark exams on Examsoft see the “Exams” page.  

For general information about ExamSoft please visit the ExamSoft website.

Who’s Who

The Who’s Who (password protected) is now available.

Class Rank Information

Class rank for the graduating students (only) is now available on the Class Rank Information Page 


Please visit our Commencement page for the latest information.

Student Health Insurance Waiver

Lewis & Clark College requires that all degree-seeking and visiting Undergraduate and Law students have health insurance coverage comparable to that offered through the school’s comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan. Students are automatically enrolled in and charged for the student health insurance plan each semester, but students are afforded one opportunity at the start of each academic year to waive enrollment in student health insurance. Students enrolled in student health insurance who are graduating or withdrawing from school should visit this webpage to learn more about their options.