Publicity & Flyer Guidelines

Below is a list of options for publicizing a department or student organization event within the Law School. Included with each option are guidelines and instructions.

Announce Account

Announcements are sent out daily (Monday - Thursday) to all students, staff and faculty. To have your event/meeting included in the announcements you can request this option in the Room Reservation Form or you can email with the following template:

Date, Room / Location, Time
In 50 words or less, describe the event - it is okay to include a link to an outside page that will provide more and/or detailed information. 

LiveWhale event

Once approval has been received for the date, time, and location of your event it can be added to LiveWhale (the Law School’s web browser). Adding an event to LiveWhale will put the event onto the Law School calendar.

To create a livewhale event follow these steps: 


Fliers and posters may be displayed on bulletin boards. Please remove event fliers promptly after the date has passed.

Email Lists (Student Organizations)

Invitations/notifications for student organization events may be sent to your organization’s listserv. Most student organizations have a list, which is overseen by a student moderator. For questions regarding listservs, contact the Student Affairs Office.