
Career Services offers many opportunities for employers to visit our campus, network, and connect with our ambitious and passionate students.

Post Jobs

Post internships, externships, fellowships, pro bono volunteer work, contract help, or post-graduate opportunities.

Organized Recruitments

For all employers, we host large organized recruitments in Fall, Spring, and Summer. For public interest employers, we host the NW Public Service Career Fair each year.

Host an Extern

Host a full-time or part-time extern, either during the summer or the academic year. Students gain valuable skills and receive academic credit.

Pro Bono

Our students perform thousands of pro bono hours each year. Connect students to opportunities at courts, nonprofits, and government offices.

Reaching L&C Law Students

Looking to help Lewis & Clark Law Students get to know your organization or firm?

Contact us today to connect with our students.

Work Study

Our work-study partnerships offer a subsidy to nonprofit and government legal offices and provide our students with meaningful opportunities.