Travel & Entertainment Reimbursement

Travel & Entertainment Expense Reports

The College requires an itemized Travel & Entertainment Expense Report for all travel expenses charged to a College account. This form can be downloaded from the Business Office website. A properly completed Expense Report signed by the employee and with all original receipts attached should be sent to Business Services within 60 days of the completion of each trip. If the properly documented and supported Travel & Entertainment Expense Report form is not received by the Business Services Office within 60 days of the end of the travel, the amount of the reimbursement will be added to the employee's income for the month. If a properly documented Travel & Entertainment Expense Report form is submitted at a later date, the employee will be able to deduct the amount on their tax return for that year. The employee's supervisor must authorize the travel and approve the travel expenses. Travel and Entertainment Expense Reports are available to download and paper copies are located on the wall outside the Business Services office. Travel expenses cannot be reimbursed until travel has been completed.All travel expenses need to be signed off by the budget manager responsible for the department to which the expense is being charged. It is the responsibility of the individual seeking payment or reimbursement to have the budget manager sign off on the expense before turning the documentation into Business Services.

If you need a travel advance, please contact Business Services. Advances are not available to students.

An advance should not be requested more than 30 days prior to the scheduled travel, unless the employee has already incurred expenses (such as purchased airfare). The employee's supervisor must approve the travel advance request. An employee may not authorize his/her own advance. A Travel Advance is considered to be a loan to the employee until the employee submits a Travel and Entertainment Expense Report documenting the use of the funds for business purposes. You are personally responsible for this money until it can be accounted for. After the report is submitted to the Business Services Office, the advance will be cleared and the expense charged to the departmental budget.

Travel advances should be accounted for on a Travel and Entertainment Expense Report within one month of the end of the travel associated with the advance. If the properly documented Travel and Entertainment Expense Report is not received within 60 days, the amount of the travel advance will be added to the employee's income for the month. If the employee subsequently submits a properly documented Travel and Entertainment Expense Report he/she will be able to deduct the amount on their tax return for that year.

When your trip has been completed, return any remaining travel advance funds to the Business Services Office.

When travel costs are to be charged to a third party, restricted grant, or sponsored project, the terms stipulated by the funding source will take precedence if they are more restrictive than College policy.

Reimbursement of Travel-Related Expenses

Air Travel

Each traveler is responsible for arranging, confirming and canceling reservations and for obtaining refunds in the case of cancellations. Air tickets purchased through one of the College's preferred travel agencies will be charged to a central credit card account. Airfare must be reported on the Travel and Entertainment Expense Report as airfare expense.

The college's preferred travel agencies include:

Nob Hill Travel
2310 NW Everett, Suite 250
Portland OR, 97210
phone 503-227-3530

Prestige World Travel
700 NE Multnomah, Suite 478
Portland, OR 97232
phone 503-285-4232

Azumano Travel Service
320 SW Stark St., #600
Portland, OR 97204
phone 503-223-6245

Use of Personal Vehicles

Please see the current travel and expense report for the standard mileage rate for official travel by employees using their own vehicles.

Use of personal vehicles is not recommended when transporting other College employees or students, because it exposes the owner to serious financial loss in the event of an accident.


Original receipts are required for all expenses over the amount of $10. If original receipts are not available, original credit card or checking statements clearly showing the charge may be used. Receipts exceeding $25 must include itemized detail of purchases in addition to proof of purchase.The total amount of undocumented expenses may not exceed $50 in any one day.

In the case of lost receipts, the traveler must obtain a duplicate of a lost receipt from the billing agency. If this is not possible, only $10 will be reimbursed for purchases without proof of payment, and $25 will be reimbursed for purchases with proof of purchase but without itemized detail.

Non Reimbursable Expenses

In general, expenses not directly related to or required for official college travel and incurred primarily for the traveler's convenience are not reimbursable. Examples of non-reimbursable expenses are:

  • Auto insurance, except when traveling in a foreign country
  • Baggage insurance, except where assets are owned by college
  • Excess Baggage
  • Flight Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Personal entertainment
  • In-room movies

For more information about travel reimbursement, see the college Business Office website.