The NW Consortium allows employers to connect with Career Services offices quickly and easily to find their next law clerk, extern, associate, judicial clerk, staff attorney, or fellow.
Looking to Hire?
Consortium Job Bank
Employers interested in posting a position with all ten law schools can do so in minutes by completing the form below. Postings will distributed to all Consortium schools. Be sure to include instructions for how students should submit their applications.
Post a Job with All 10 Consortium Law Schools - This feature is temporarily disabled due to technical issues. Please use the links below to post positions with the consortium law schools of interest until this issue is resolved. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Post with a Specific Member School(s)
Employers interested in posting a position with specific member law schools can use the links below.
Firm Lists
For students who attend member law schools, you can explore law firms within Consortium states. These lists are password protected, and for student use only. Keep in mind - law firms change constantly, so you should always confirm current name/contact information/etc. directly with the firms themselves. Lists are available for the following regions:
You can access the lists here.
Salary Information
The Consortium previously maintained salary and job information for the region; more current salary information can now be accessed through participating members’ individual career services offices and NALP. For prior information, students and alumni of participating schools may access the password-protected lists and summaries here.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Northwest Consortium of Law Schools provides advertising and job posting services to all students and graduates, on an equal opportunity basis. We do not knowingly furnish assistance and facilities for interviewing and other recruitment services to persons, firms, agencies, or organizations that discriminate in their selection of candidates or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, marital, parental, or veteran status, or the prejudice of clients.
The Northwest Consortium of Law Schools notifies employers of our non-discrimination policy and informs them that a request to use any of our placement services in any manner is, by that request, their acknowledgment that they are willing to adhere to our non-discrimination policy. The Northwest Consortium of Law Schools expects that all employers, with the exception of the United States Armed Forces (“Solomon Amendment”) and employers with a classification protected by local, state or federal law (e.g.: 5 U.S.C. § 3307), will consider, in good faith, each applicant on the basis of his or her individual merits.
Individual School Nondiscrimination Policies may be viewed at their websites.