Thomas Sherwin
Tom Sherwin BA ’71, JD ’74 writes: “Yes, still active. Thirty-second year in practice at After being a CEO in the medical device industry, I have been advising CEOs and boards all these years. Not imaginative enough to have any idea what I would do if I retired, so I keep on doing something I really enjoy. Our daughter, Mary, graduated from Connecticut College in May 2021. (Yes, I was a late-in-life dad.) It’s a college like L&C, only overlooking the Thames River rather than the Willamette. Same liberal arts basis with 1,900 students. She is now assistant director of admissions at St. Lawrence University in New York. L&C called to offer her a similar job two days too late! Maybe she will be out there for her next job! She can finish her master’s degree online at Boston College from anywhere. The first reunion of the Japan ’69 overseas study group, which was part of L&C’s 150th anniversary, was so much fun–21 out of 23 living members attended. It was so much fun that we’re hoping to do it again in ’22. It was very fulfilling for all of us.”