Northwest Energy Transition Conference CLE Materials
Transportation Electrification Panel
As transportation electrification is an important component of the clean energy transition, it is essential that it is accessible to underserved communities and communities hit hardest by climate change impacts. Although EVs have significant climate and public health advantages over traditional internal combustion engines, namely reducing traffic-related air pollution, which can help to alleviate “historical inequities” that prevail in communities of color or communities experiencing low income, it’s not enough to stop there. We must also address the barriers to adoption of electric vehicles for environmental justice communities. Our panelists will discuss the benefits of EVs to underserved communities, Oregon laws and rules implemented by the Oregon Public Utility Commission, and programs that focus on bringing transportation electrification to underserved communities and the related challenges and opportunities. Several panelists are here to discuss this timely topic.
Relevant documents:
HB 2165 (2021) - Established Monthly Meter Charge and that at least 50% of the Monthly Meter Charge be spent on underserved communities, the law defined “underserved communities”
HB 3055 (2021) - Establishing new requirements for transportation electrification plans by the electric companies
OAR 340-253-000 et seq. - Clean Fuels Program funding supports transportation electrification.
PUC Order No. 22-314 (adopting Staff’s recommendation to adopt Staff’s Guidance Document containing guidance on implementing the new Division 87 Oregon Administrative rules)
PUC Order No. 22-336 (adopting permanent changes to Division 87 of the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) addressing the transportation electrification (TE) planning process to be consistent with Executive Order 20-04 and 2021 House Bill (HB) 2165
Professor Lisa Benjamin’s publication EVs as EJ?
Markets Panel
Over the past several decades, utilities in the West have explored market-based options for improving resiliency, reliability, and economic load service. Given the complicated history of regionalization and market formation in our region, as more utilities evaluate potential market options—such as those offered by CAISO and SPP—questions invariably arise over how best to meet local and regional needs and policy objectives. What can we learn from our past history, what are the considerations of utilities and other stakeholders as they evaluate these options? We look forward to an engaging panel discussion that explores these issues and more.
Relevant documents:
Bonneville Power Administration’s evaluation of joining a day-ahead market:
Regulator call for evaluation of a western regional market:
Public Generating Pool Studies and Reports:
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Carra Sahler
Green Energy
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC
Portland OR 97219