Brandon Kline, JD (’15), LLM (’16)
Brandon Kline, JD (’15), LLM (’16)
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Brandon Kline is Deputy Attorney General at the California Attorney General’s Office. He is a first-generation college student, who previously served in leadership roles with the University of California, as well as San Francisco State University, where he helped launch the SF Rebound Institute - a multi-faceted enterprise designed to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reintegrate into communities through higher education and skills training.
In 2016, Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush selected him to serve as a Presidential Leadership Scholar, based in part on the strength of his leadership project developed while he was an LLM Energy Law Fellow at the Green Energy Institute at Lewis & Clark. Brandon lives in Northern California with his wife and two daughters, where he volunteers as a youth basketball coach, and enjoys hiking, marathon running, and golf.
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