Earthrise attorney Kevin Cassidy Receives Cape Cod Bay Life Preserver Award
Earthrise attorney Kevin Cassidy was awarded the Cape Cod Bay Life Preserver Award for 2016 by the Jones River Watershed Association (JRWA). JRWA Executive Director Pine duBois said Cassidy was being recognized for his work on the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant trial in August 2016, which challenged a permit from the Town of Plymouth, MA given to Entergy Corporation authorizing the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel at the Pilgrim plant located on the shores of Cape Cod Bay.
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Earthrise attorney Kevin Cassidy was awarded the Cape Cod Bay Life Preserver Award for 2016 by the Jones River Watershed Association (JRWA). JRWA Executive Director Pine duBois said Cassidy was being recognized for his work on the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant trial in August 2016, which challenged a permit from the Town of Plymouth, MA given to Entergy Corporation authorizing the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel at the Pilgrim plant located on the shores of Cape Cod Bay.
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Allison LaPlante
Earthrise Law Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219