March 10, 2011

Law school sustainability on the move

A brief description of the current effort to institutionalize sustainability at the law school, give insight into where sustainability is headed, and request participation.

As the year-long, all-campus Sustainability Task Force wraps up with creating institutional goals and guidelines to be implemented next year, dedicated L&C Law students have been collaborating to institutionalize sustainability initiatives on the law school campus.


SBA Natural Resources Committee Representatives, together with faculty, and Ann Marie Rubin of ELC and several motivated recruits, are working to keep sustainability in the forefront and facilitate student involvement. Ann Marie is creating a blog (which will soon be available at: )

where students may contribute their accomplishments, critiques, and innovative ideas on how to make L&C Law a more sustainable place to be.


Ultimately, SBA NR Reps and ELC Reps will serve as the student voice on the Sustainability Subcommittee (official name to be determined) of the Natural Resources Committee. The Sustainability Subcommittee will comprise faculty, students, and facilities staff and work to move sustainability efforts forward and prevent backsliding. By adding this duty to the job description of the NR Reps and ELC Reps, student sustainability efforts will not wax and wane as they have in the past. Additionally, one of the student reps will also likely sit on the all-campus Sustainability Council to represent the law school’s interests to the overall College sustainability initiative.


We also hope to create a Student Advisory Board of members of all interested student groups (i.e., CATS, EJA, SABER, NEDC, ELC, and the SBA Transportation and NR Reps) to meet perhaps once a semester and provide student input on sustainability.


If you or someone you know is interested in contributing, or have questions or comments, please contact Rachel Guthrie, Jenny Loda (SBA NR Co-Reps), or Ann Marie Rubin (ELC Co-Chair).