
Environmental Law publishes four issues each year on a quarterly calendar. Topics of discussion run the gamut from in-depth analyses of recent cases to more abstract discussions of the latest pollution prevention theories. We strive to provide the practitioner with practical, helpful articles, while continuing to lead the way in environmental thinking.

In addition to articles and essays discussing a variety of issues, Environmental Law is proud to publish an annual Ninth Circuit Review. This publication, part of our third issue each year, surveys the recent Ninth Circuit decisions involving federal environmental statutes, Native American rights, common-law environmental protections, procedural aspects of citizen suits, and any other topic that may be called environmental. The Ninth Circuit, the largest federal circuit in the nation, hears a large percentage of the environmental cases decided each year and therefore is an important influence on environmental law.

Environmental Law also contains a unique feature: Clear the Air. This “letters to the editor” section provides an opportunity for critics and skeptics to respond to articles published in our journal in a format less demanding than a full-blown article or essay. The quick publication schedule for these letters also allows researchers and practitioners to seek answers and information from our subscribers.

Environmental Law is printed on unbleached, 100% recycled post-consumer paper with soy ink. We also participate in Lewis & Clark Law School’s active recycling program that allows us to use recycled paper and to recycle the paper we use in our office.


Unless a particular piece in Environmental Law indicates otherwise, the author of each piece in the journal has granted all interested readers the right to reproduce and distribute multiple copies of the piece for classroom use in classes at institutions of higher education. This grant is applicable so long as (1) copies are distributed only to students enrolled in the class, (2) no fee, other than a per page copying charge, is paid by the students, (3) the author and Environmental Law are identified on each copy, and (4) copyright notice is affixed to each copy.

If you have further questions about our law review, please contact the Editor in Chief at (503) 768-6701 or envtl@lclark.edu. Our postal address is:

Environmental Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10015 SW Terwilliger Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97219