Environmental and Natural Resources: Practicum

Environmental and Natural Resources: Practicum - Professor Bradley Grenham

  • Course Number: LAW-742
  • Course Type: Experiential and Highly Specialized
  • Credits: 4
  • Enrollment Limit: Enrollment in this practicum is limited by the number of available placements. Registrants for this course will be screened through a placement interview process in the fall in order to determine if an appropriate placement is available. To apply, submit a resume and placement form to the Registrar within one week of registering for the course (via hand delivery, email to lawreg@lclark.edu, or fax to 503-768-6850).
  • Description: The Environmental and Natural Resources Law Legal Practicum provides students an opportunity to participate in the practice of environmental/natural/energy resources law in one of several available clinical placements in the local legal community. Students are placed in legal settings approved by the instructor, who meets weekly with the students in a 2-hour class to discuss environmental law practice and selected issues related to the placements. Classes will include the practical aspects of advising on and litigating environmental issues. Students are expected to work in their placements at least 10 hours per week and to develop a written product of at least moderate complexity and length during the internship experience.


    Placement forms are available on the Registrar’s webpage for Applications for Classes. If the student cannot be matched with an appropriate placement, the student will need to drop the course. After the student commits to a placement, the student may not drop the seminar. Students shall not be compensated for work performed in connection with a practicum placement. Course is graded credit/no credit only.

  • Prerequisite: Prerequisites and certification may be required in the instructor’s discretion.
  • Evaluation Method: Class participation and feedback from the internship supervising attorney
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no