Advanced Tax Clinic

Advanced Tax Clinic - Professor Sarah Lora

  • Course Number: LAW-705
  • Course Type: Experiential
  • Credits: 2-4

Students who have completed one semester in the tax clinic may apply for enrollment in a second semester by contacting Professor Lora at A limited number of advanced students are accepted each semester. Acceptance as an advanced student is dependent upon the approval of the Clinic Director.

The advanced student will be assigned the more complicated and complex tax cases. In addition, the advanced student will have the opportunity to handle the kinds of cases that they may not have been assigned their first semester. The advanced student will act as a resource for the first time students, and will give guidance when requested.

The clinic is a credit/no credit course. Under normal circumstances, students will satisfy their WIE writing requirement, if it has not already been satisfied. Extra hours completed beyond those required for credit may count towards a pro bono certificate.

Advanced Tax Clinic may be taken for two, three, or four semester hour credits. In order to earn two semester hour credits, the student must work seven hours per week at the clinic on case work. For three semester hour credits, the student must work ten hours per week at the clinic on case work. For four semester hour credits, the student must work thirteen hours per week at the clinic on case work. Though there is a classroom component for “first time” students, advanced students are not required to attend these classes.

With the approval of the professor, students can choose their own schedule on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and their hours on those days between 9:00AM and 5:00PM. Students may choose some of their hours on Mondays or Wednesdays or beyond 9:00AM to 5:00PM with special permission. In addition, (1) the student’s schedule must include at least two days per week at the clinic, not one; and (2) the student must commit to a consistent schedule for the entire semester.

As stated above, there is a limit to the number of students who may register for the advanced clinic and early application for advanced clinic is encouraged. The clinic is located in downtown Portland, the telephone number is 503-768-6500, and the Clinic Director is Sarah Lora, whose email is