Federal Habeas Corpus: Law & Practice

Federal Habeas Corpus: Law & Practice - Professors Tony Bornstein and Aaron James

  • Course Number: LAW-489
  • Course Type: Highly Specialized 
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
  • Description:  This seminar is designed to provide students with a strong understanding of federal habeas corpus proceedings. Federal Habeas cases are a particularly instructive way to learn about criminal law and procedure and the criminal justice system in general because students are able to see the entire life of a criminal case. Moreover, individual cases often raise intriguing policy-related issues. Through in-depth study of cases, one goal of the seminar is to engage students in critical thinking about the criminal justice system.

The course is team-taught by a current Assistant Attorney General and a former Assistant Federal Public Defender. Their varying perspectives will provide students with a unique opportunity to evaluate the competing interests that are present in criminal and habeas cases.

In lieu of a final exam, students will write a paper within the subject area of habeas corpus.