Comparative Law
Comparative Law - Professor Lech Garlicki
- Course Number: LAW-387
- Course Type: Highly Specialized
- Credits: 3
- Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
- Description: In today’s globalizing world, lawyers are increasingly confronted with foreign legal systems. This course is based on the assumption that national legal systems may be organized into certain legal families or traditions. This course examines the civil and common law traditions in particular, and considers to what extent globalization has resulted in a convergence between them, as well as the role of international and supranational legal systems in imposing such convergence. The first part of the course offers a general discussion on the method of comparative law and on the principal characteristics of the civil law tradition, the common law tradition, and some other types of legal systems. The second part of the course will be devoted to analyzing selected examples of comparing how similar institutions and procedures are elaborated in different legal systems and traditions. These examples will include judicial review, fundamental rights, contract and tort law, and criminal procedure. Classroom instruction will combine lecture, student in-class presentations, and discussion.
- Prerequisite: none
- Evaluation Method: The grade will be based on a take-home, untimed exam. In-class participation and in-class presentations will also be taken into account.
- Capstone: no
- WIE: no
The American Bar Association accreditation standards require students to regularly attend the courses in which they are registered. Lewis & Clark expects students to attend classes regularly and to prepare for classes conscientiously. Specific attendance requirements may vary from course to course. Any attendance guidelines for a given class must be provided to students in a syllabus or other written document at the start of the semester. Sanctions (e.g., required withdrawal from the course, grade adjustment, and/or a failing grade) will be imposed for poor attendance.
Law Registrar is located in Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6614
fax 503-768-6850
Registrar Tiffany Henning
Law Registrar
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219