Environmental Negotiation and Mediation
Environmental Negotiation and Mediation - Professor Jacob Bush
- Course Number: LAW-352
- Course Type: Foundational
- Credits: 2
- Enrollment Limit: 20
The Environmental Negotiation and Mediation class offers a tour of the environmental, natural resources, and public policy negotiation world, from two-party real estate “green development” discussions to multi-party environmental justice policy issues to international natural resources mediations. There is a focus on hands-on learning and practical skills development. The course is designed to build students’ mutual-gains and cross-cultural negotiation skills throughout the semester, through participating in a multitude of simulations.
Students will experience different negotiation perspectives first-hand by taking on the roles of attorney, client, task force member and national delegate, mediator. The first-hand experience will allow for focus on problem-solving approaches and gaining a sense for the dynamics of complex negotiations involving multiple stakeholders.
- Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this class, which is designed to complement the Alternative Dispute Resolution class and other dispute resolution offerings at Lewis & Clark.
- Evaluation Method: Participation in class discussions and negotiations, written products (negotiation preparatory materials and reflective journals), and a final exam.
- Capstone: no
- WIE: no
The American Bar Association accreditation standards require students to regularly attend the courses in which they are registered. Lewis & Clark expects students to attend classes regularly and to prepare for classes conscientiously. Specific attendance requirements may vary from course to course. Any attendance guidelines for a given class must be provided to students in a syllabus or other written document at the start of the semester. Sanctions (e.g., required withdrawal from the course, grade adjustment, and/or a failing grade) will be imposed for poor attendance.
Law Registrar is located in Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
email lawreg@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6614
fax 503-768-6850
Registrar Tiffany Henning
Law Registrar
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219