Legal Ethics for Government and NGO Lawyers

Legal Ethics for Government and NGO Lawyers - Professor Anne Marie King

NOTE: There are 6 choices to fulfill the Ethics requirement and no student may take more than one Ethics class from among LAW-132, LAW-150 and LAW-151 (must take both), LAW-152, LAW-153, LAW-154, and LAW-155 without prior approval of John Parry or Libby Davis.

  • Course Number: LAW-155
  • Course Type: Foundational
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
  • Description: This course emphasizes thoughtful application of the rules of professional conduct in government and nongovernmental or legal aid organization practice. Students will become familiar with the basic rules applicable to all jurisdictions and understand how particular jurisdictions adopt them, using Oregon as an example where possible.

This is not a research class; citations are provided in full. However, students should expect to become familiar with core practice skills in an unfamiliar subject. This includes reading unabridged cases for utility and nuance, rather than headnote summaries and the importance of identifying quality secondary materials, e.g. relevant agency opinions, the Restatement, or similar resources, as a matter of professional responsibility. This pedagogy will assist students in building skills that will enable them to quickly and effectively survey new practice areas and competencies in building their own skills in practice while being aware of their professional obligations in doing so.

This course will not dwell on some traditional legal ethics subjects such as client trust funds or advertising because they are not relevant to the course focus. Students will be advised that these and other topics may appear on the MPRE.

  • Prerequisite: none
  • Evaluation Method: 3 short papers
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no