It is, There is, There are
Rely on precise phrasing to tighten your writing.
(1) What does a sentence with EMPTY PHRASES look like?
It is important to note that the defendant apologized at the accident scene. [Six words lead into most valuable content.]
(2) Why is using EMPTY PHRASES problematic?
Empty phrases slow reader down because reader must wade through words that do not convey meaning to reach words conveying main message. If you are facing a tight word/page limit for your writing project, eliminating empty phrases is crucial!
(3) How to fix EMPTY PHRASES?
Significantly, the defendant apologized at the accident scene. [One word captures essential meaning.]
(4) What are other EMPTY PHRASES to avoid?
An argument can be made that…
Needless to say…
It goes without saying…
Law School Writing Center is located in room 212A (We’ve moved!) of Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6873
Writing Specialist
Hillary Gell
Teaching Fellow
Madeline Masaryk
Online appointment scheduling system for the Writing Center
Law School Writing Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219