Ambiguous Pronouns
Note: This page does not cover the use of they/them/their as singular pronouns.
(1) What do AMBIGUOUS PRONOUNS look like?
Alex and Taylor agreed to trade desserts at lunchtime, so he gave her a brownie and she gave him a cookie.
(2) Why are AMBIGUOUS PRONOUNS problematic?
Legal writing must be precise! Be repetitive instead of creating ambiguity. In the sample sentence, who started with the brownie? Who ended up with the brownie? Who started with the cookie? Who ended up with the cookie?
Alex and Taylor agreed to trade desserts at lunchtime, so Taylor gave Alex a brownie and Alex gave Taylor a cookie.
Law School Writing Center is located in room 212A (We’ve moved!) of Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6873
Writing Specialist
Hillary Gell
Teaching Fellow
Madeline Masaryk
Online appointment scheduling system for the Writing Center
Law School Writing Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219