Scheduling an Appointment
To schedule an appointment with the Writing Center, please use our online scheduling system:
https:// appointments/writing
To request additional information, please e-mail
What help can I get in an appointment?
The Writing Specialist or Senior Teaching Fellow will help you define the challenges you are facing, whether in the initial analysis of the legal problem, the organization, the drafting, or the final editing. They will then guide you in overcoming these challenges by providing feedback on your work and directing your attention to samples documents that demonstrate effective writing.
A Writing Specialist or Senior Teaching Fellow can objectively assess the clarity of your writing and determine what information actually is being conveyed to the reader. You will get guidance in making your writing clear, concise, well reasoned, and effective. You also will get suggestions on any style, grammar, and punctuation issues.
When should I schedule an appointment?
You may request an appointment at any time during the semester or at any stage of a writing project.
Writing and revising take time; leave yourself enough time after an appointment to revise your work adequately before the due date!
Also, please note the following policies:
- Submit a writing sample or a draft of your project no later than 24 hours before your appointment to ensure thoughtful review. If possible, include a copy of the assignment prompt with your draft.
- First-year students often share the same deadlines, so set up your appointment early!
- If you are following the two semester default syllabus for individual research, you must schedule an appointment with the Writing Center during the second semester of your writing project.
- The Writing Center offers expertise in writing, but not in the substantive legal area on which your paper focuses. If you have questions about the law, ask the professor for whom you are writing the paper.
- The Writing Specialist is not permitted to review student works that will be submitted for competition or works in which the assigning professor has prohibited any outside help.
Law School Writing Center is located in room 212A (We’ve moved!) of Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6873
Writing Specialist
Hillary Gell
Teaching Fellow
Madeline Masaryk
Online appointment scheduling system for the Writing Center
Law School Writing Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219