19th Annual Conference
Standing Up for Animals: Can a Bad Economy Inspire Greater Goodness?
Conference Resources
The following materials were submitted by our conference panelists. The materials, although not necessarily written by the individual panelists, are relevant to their panel topics. These are also the materials applicable to MCLE registrants.
Bruce Berning
Berning, B. (2011, October). Contracts: A winning strategy for business managers and lawyers working together. The Animal Law Conference at Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, OR.
O’Prey, P., & Turitz, G. (2011). Preventing a runaway arbitration with a well-drafted arbitraion clause. Retrieved from
Animal Policy Group website.
Stark, Tina L. (Ed.). (2003). Negotiating and Drafting Contract Boilerplate. New York, NY: ALM Publishing. (Suggested reading; electronic copy not available).
David Cassuto
Cassuto’s PowerPoint - September 2011
Cassuto, David N., Animal Sacrifice and the First Amendment: The Case of Lukumi Babalu Aye (May 13, 2011). ANIMAL LAW AND THE COURTS: A READER, Taimie Bryant, David N. Cassuto, Rebecca Huss, eds., Thomson West, 2008.
Cassuto, David N., Bred Meat: The Cultural Foundation of the Factory Farm (2007). Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 59-87, 2007.
Cassuto, David N., The Law of Words: Standing, Environment & Other Contested Terms (September 06, 2010). Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol. 28, p. 79, 2004.
Cassuto, David N., The CAFO Hothouse: Climate Change, Industrial Agriculture and the Law (July, 21 2010). Animals & Society Institute Policy Paper, 2010.
Cassuto, David N., Legal Standing for Animals and Advocates (June 13, 2009). Animal Law Review, Vol. 13, No. 61, 2006.
Cassuto, David N., Owning What You Eat: The Discourse of Food (January 22, 2010). DEMOCRACY, ECOLOGICAL INTEGRITY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
Cassuto, David N. and Reed, Steven, Water Law and the Endangered Species Act (July 28, 2010). WHOSE DROP IS IT ANYWAY?: EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF OUR NATION’S WATER RESOURCES, Megan Baroni, ed., 2010.
Geordie Duckler
Duckler’s PowerPoint - September 2011
Duckler, G., (2007). Animal wrongs: On holding animals to (and excusing them from) legal responsibility for their intentional acts. Journal of Animal Law & Ethics, 2:92, 91-121.
Duckler, G., (2008). Two major flaws of the animal rights movement. Animal Law, 14:2, 179-200.
Scott Heiser
Animal Legal Defense Fund. (2008, June). A quick overview for Oregon prosecutors: Animal abuse, neglect, hoarding and fighting. Portland, OR: Heiser, S. A.
Rebecca Huss
Huss, R. J. (2011, October). Practicing animal law: Why contracts, wills and business law matter to animals. Panel session conducted at Standing up for animals: Can a bad economy inspire greater goodness? The Animal Law Conference at Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, OR.
Paul Locke
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. (2001). Congressional Briefing. The 3Rs in US law and policy: Implications for biomedical research and toxicity testing [Brochure].
Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing website.
Russ Mead
Mead, R. (2011, October). Ethical dilemmas for lawyers working in animal welfare. Panel session conducted at Standing up for animals: Can a bad economy inspire greater goodness? The Animal Law Conference at Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, OR.
Eric Nagle
Final Rule To Identify the Northern Rocky Mountain Population of Gray Wolf as a Distinct Population Segment, 74 Fed. Reg. 15,123 (April 2, 2009) (codified at 50 C.F.R. pt. 17).
Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Salazar, Nos. CV 11-70-M-DWM & CV 11-71-M-DWM, 2011 LEXIS 85476 (D. Mont. Aug. 3, 2011).
Defenders of Wildlife v. Salazar, 729 F. Supp. 1207 (D. Mont.).
Amy Sacks
Oppmann, P. (May 10, 2011). When a pet’s love is all you have. CNN. Portland, OR.
Peter Sankoff
Sankoff, P. Canadian federal law prohibiting cruelty against animals.
Ledy VanKavage
Dunham, J., & VanKavage, L. (2010, April). Fiscal bite & breed discrimination: Utilizing scientific advances & economic tools in lobbying. Panel session conducted at Mid-Atlantic Animal Law Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Dunham, J. and Associates, Inc. (2010). The Fiscal Impact of Trap, Neuter and Return Policies in Controlling Feral Cat Populations in the United States. Retrieved from
Dunham, J. and Associates, Inc. (2009). The Fiscal Impact of Breed Discriminatory Legislation in the United States. Retrieved from http://www.guerrillaeconomics.bi/bestfriends/best%20friends%20methodology%20and%20write%20up.pdf.
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