1996: Legal Issues Concerning Animals of the Pacific Northwest
For information on future Animal Law Conference dates and locations, visit animallawconference.org.
The Conference will focus on the legal, social, and moral issues surrounding the animals of the Pacific Northwest.
Animal Rights: A Practical strategy for Achieving Personhood for Nonhumans
Gary L. Francione
Wildlife Impacts of the Warner creek Salvage Sale
Marianne Dugan Western Environmental Law Center
Constitutionality of Closure Orders
Stu Sugarman Witness Against Lawless Logging
Refuge Areas for Native Fish — A Conservation Strategy for the Next Decade?
Guido Rahr Director of Salmonid Conservation Policy, Oregon Trout
Conservation Strategies for Anadromous Fish
Bill M. Blake Native Fish Society
Salmon: Habitat and Hydrosystem
Glen Spain Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
Protecting Salmon of Federal Lands in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. The Endangered Species Act at Work
Mary Scurlock Policy Analyst, Pacific Rivers Council
Endangered Species Act: Why the Fishing Industry Needs the Endangered Species Act
Glen Spain Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
Why the IWC Should Not Grant the Makah Indians an Aboriginal Quota
Toni Frohoff Humane Society of the United States
Event Coordinator:
Liberty Mulkani