Services and Resources
Student Lockers: Reggie Raiford
Lockers are located in the back section of Gantenbein Lounge/Career Services building.
The lockers are issued on a first come, first serve basis, on the second day of orientation. All lockers are secured with the law school locks. The locker the student receives will remain his/hers until such time the locker is no longer needed by the student and/ or graduates. December and May graduates will keep their lockers until August 1 st . A waiting list will be used for those missing the locker assignment.
Bus Passes: Lisa Garcia
Law Business Office:
E-Mail Addresses
(Contact Law Registrar’s Office 503-768-6614 or )
Each student will be assigned a Lewis and Clark e-mail address for receipt of his/her official law school mail. Law school information sent by e-mail to the Lewis & Clark e-mail address is construed as being delivered in person. Therefore, students who link their L&C email accounts to personal home email systems must maintain the correct forwarding information.
To update your mailing address, contact
Please read your emails from the Registrar’s office, or from our Registrar, Tiffany Henning at We often email important information that pertains to your academic career.
Notices and Postings
Common news and information will be posted at certain bulletin boards and tables on campus rather than stuffing all mailboxes. These locations are:
- Outside the Admissions office area, on the third floor of the Legal Research Center, near the doors leading to the skywalk.
- The cylindrical bulletin boards in the 3 rd floor of the Legal Research Center near the Business Services Office.
- The bulletin board in the stairwell between the second and third floors of the Legal Research Center.
- Outside the cafeteria on the second floor of the Legal Research Center.
- Gantenbein Building hallway.
- The bulletin boards on the first floor of Wood Hall outside the classrooms.
If you or your student group need something posted on these bulletin boards, you must receive approval from the receptionist at the reception desk on the third floor of the Legal Research Center (the main switch board). The bulletin boards are the only place for notice posting. You cannot post notices on posts, stairwells, classroom doors, etc. Items posted without approval will be removed.
School Closures
When the college decides to close or delay opening because of severe conditions, you can find out about the closure or delay four different ways:
- Check the college website:
- Listen to the radio or television stations listed below. Any message you hear regarding Lewis & Clark College applies to the law school as well as the undergraduate school. If the college closes early, the media will announce “evening closure” or “afternoon closure.”
- View the city-wide school announcement web site: Messages sent to the media also appear on that site.
Lewis & Clark College will remain open unless conditions are so severe as to require closure. During school closure, all classes are canceled and all support services. When the college cancels classes, it also cancels ALL events, including evening speakers.
If the college closed in the morning, but conditions improved considerably during the day, scheduled events may take place in the evening. The college will make decisions about evening shifts, classes and public events by 4:00 p.m.
If you don’t see an announcement on the college website, assume the college is open or in the process of making a decision. The following radio and TV stations will carry school closure information: KBPS (89.9), KOPB (91.5), KGON (92.3), KPDQ (93.7), KNRK (94.7), KXL (95.5), KISN (97.1), KUPL (98.7), KWJJ (99.5), KINK (101.9), KKCW (103.3), KKJZ (106.7), KOAC (550), KEWS (620), KXL (750), KPDQ (800), KWBY (940), KXYQ (1010), KWJJ (1080), KEX (1190), KBPS (1450), KFXX (1520); Channels 2 (KATU), 6 (KOIN), 8 (KGW), 12 (KPTV), 56 (KEI).
Emergency Messages
Emergency messages for students, particularly those involving the health, welfare or any accident of a family member, will be immediately given to the Registrar’s Office. That office will make every effort to locate the student and give them the message. Students who may be expecting such a message should keep the receptionist advised of his/her whereabouts while at the law school.
Buildings and Grounds/Facilities Office
Facility Services is located in the Legal Research Center in the Business Services office next to the Registrar’s office. Hours are 8:30am-5:00pm Monday through Friday. Forms to submit written service requests are located here. After hours you may use the drop box. Requests for audio visual assistance, event setups, repair, maintenance and lockers are handled by Facilities. Head of Facilities is Kurt Armstrong
Priority for the use of law school facilities, especially classrooms, will be given to the conduct of classes and other official law school functions. Organizations or individuals wishing to use any law school facilities must have permission from the law school and must reserve such facilities with the Law School Business Services Office. Reservations will be on a first-come first-served basis and subject to the availability of space and appropriateness of the intended use. These facilities are available only for purposes related to the law school or the legal profession. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance and confirmed at least one day in advance.
The law school, however, reserves the right to cancel such reservations if a priority use of the space becomes necessary or it is subsequently discovered that the intended use is inappropriate.
Smoking Policy
The College takes seriously its obligation to provide a safe, healthy environment for faculty, staff, students and guests. The College is guided by the Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act in efforts to provide an appropriate work and learning environment.
Please visit the link below for complete details of our new smoking policy effective August, 23, 2010.
Public Telephones
A public (pay) telephone is located outside the Gantenbein Building near the student lockers and mailboxes. Free student telephones for outgoing local calls only are located in the Gantenbein Building and the Library.
Since all classrooms are air conditioned and heated, keep doors, including the rear door, closed at all times. If it becomes uncomfortable, please advise Facilities in Business Services.
Building Security
Law school buildings will be kept open as long as and when necessary for law school functions. Faculty office areas will be secured between 10:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. weekdays. The areas are closed at all times on the weekends. Common areas of the Legal Research Center will close the same time as the Library. All persons not authorized to occupy facilities during off hours will leave such facilities immediately at the time(s) they are to be secured or when requested to do so by a faculty or staff member or security officer.
Any authorized person entering a law school building(s) during off-hours is responsible for completely securing the building(s) when entering and upon departure. Always keep an eye on your belongings.
Too many law school dollars must be spent to repair or replace buildings, furniture or equipment damaged by vandalism. Such acts by law students are a violation of the Honor Code and, if observed by another student, the act should be reported to the Honor Committee. If anyone other than a law student is observed committing an act of vandalism, report such act to an appropriate administrative official, faculty member or campus security.
Law School Furniture
Any student, faculty, or staff member, who wishes to use any item of law school furniture on or off campus in other than its designated place, must first obtain permission from the Business Services Office, and must return, or ensure the return of such furniture, to its appropriate place within the time constraints given them by Business Services. If the item is damaged, the law school must be reimbursed for the replacement value of the item.
Children on Campus
Minor children on campus must be in the company of their parents, or a designated adult, at all times. Parents are strictly responsible for the conduct and safety of their children while on the law school campus.
It is a violation of college policy to leave a pet unattended in a vehicle. If a pet is brought on campus, it must be kept under control and attended at all times. Any pet not under control must be removed immediately by the owner, or it will be subject to impoundment.
Any pet left unattended is subject to impoundment. Excessive barking by a dog will classify that animal as not under control. Any pet reported by multiple students, faculty or staff as a nuisance may be considered out of control. Pets on campus must be on a leash at all times. Pets are not allowed in classrooms, eating areas, lounges, study areas, or in any other buildings (with the exception of private offices).
All pet owners must follow city and county animal licensing requirements; any unlicensed pets must be removed from the campus. Any owners violating these policies are subject to a fine of $10 a day.
Class Recording Policy
By Students
Students may make audio recordings of class sessions only with the prior permission of the professor. Such recordings are for personal use only and may not be uploaded to the internet or otherwise shared, transmitted, or published without the prior consent of the professor. The professor must notify the class when audio recordings are being made. Violation of these guidelines can result in Honor Code proceedings.
By the Law School
The Law School automatically makes an audio/video recording of all classes (except classes offered in rooms without recording capability and unless the Professor opts out of having the class recorded). If the class is recorded, the Professor decides whether those recordings will be automatically available to all students registered for the class, or whether students must request recordings of specific classes. Students who are not registered for a class do not have access to the recordings. Recordings are intended for a student’s personal use only, and it is an Honor Code violation to forward the link to any other person without the professor’s prior permission.
Lost and Found
Items found at the Law School can be turned in at the switchboard 503-768-6600, (front desk in the Legal Research Building or the front desk of Boley Library. Items that are found can also be turned in to the Campus Safety office at the Visitor Gate on the main campus. Inquiries or questions may be directed to any of these locations; switchboard, 503-768-6600; library, 503-768-6676; or campus safety, 503-768-7855.
Registrars Office
FAX: 503-768-6850
Phone: 503-768-6614
Email at:
During the regular academic year, the Registrar’s Office counter is open daily. It is located on the third floor of the Legal Research Center, upstairs from the student lounge. Most days from 9am - 5:30pm.
Oregon Student Appearance Rule (Court Certification Process)
Law students who meet the basic requirements defined by the Oregon Supreme Court and Lewis & Clark Law School may be certified by the State Court Administrator to make limited appearances in Oregon courts. Students may also be certified to appear in federal court on a limited basis. Any student wishing to be certified must meet the requirements laid out in the Oregon Supreme Court rules and the law school’s requirements. Application and rules for the Oregon Supreme Court Student Appearance as well as Lewis & Clark School’s Student Appearance rules are found at this website:
Once the forms are completed, please return them to Liz Hobbs in the Student Affairs Office (located behind the front reception desk in the LRC), the certification process takes about a week to complete. Liz can be reached at or 503-786-6648.
Student Groups
Career Services
Career Services is a career counseling and job search preparation center, with a comprehensive resource library and job clearinghouse for our students and graduates. We believe that your law school experience is a substantial investment in your future, and should be treated as such; you are entering a profession and a career, not just earning a law degree.
The Career Services Office is located in Gantenbein; same building as the student lockers. The office houses the resource library and administrative offices, as well as the computers and printers, long distance telephone and fax machine that are available to students.
The Career Services Office also has a link to online job postings that students and alums can access by password. If you need your law transcripts, order them from the Registrar’s office. See above information for how to request them under the heading Registrar’s Office.
During the school year, the Career Services Office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Summer hours are somewhat shorter. We make every effort to accommodate the needs and schedules of evening students.
Each year, Career Services offers special programs and services exclusively for our students and graduates. Some of those are as follows:
- Individual Counseling
- Resume and Cover Letter Review
- Computers and Printers for Application Materials & Fax
- Long Distance Telephone
- Comprehensive Resource Library
- Job Posting Board
- Job Postings Online
- Career Colloquia
- First-Year Classes
- First-Year Law Firm Receptions
- First-Year Individual Appointments
- Practice Interview Program
- On-Campus Interviewing during Fall Recruitment
- Public Interest Job Fair
- Legal Career Panels
- Building Blocks Series
- Judicial Clerkship Programming
- Mentor Program
- Breakfast with Judges
- Comprehensive Career Services Handbook
- Ad Hoc Project List
- Reciprocity
- Work Study Program
- Pro-Bono Program
Students are encouraged to use the Career Services Office early in their law school career, and to continue to use the myriad services, programs and expertise available. A detailed, comprehensive resource containing all the information about Career Services is in the Career Services Handbook, which is given to each student free of charge during their first year.
Printing and Copying
Copy machines are available for student use in the library. The Xerox machines accept both coins and copy cards. The copying machines accept coins, bills, and copy cards.
The photocopiers in the duplicating center of the Legal Research Center will not be used for personal copies without the express authorization of law school staff and reimbursement for work done. Students desiring personal copies should fill out a printing work request. The duplicating staff will do the work for you. Students are not allowed to use the duplicating room equipment without express authorization.
All Institutional duplicating retains priority over personal work in the Duplicating Center, so remain flexible and your requests will be done promptly. A schedule of prices is posted in the Duplicating Center and an estimate of total charges is available before jobs are printed.
Certain materials duplicated or copied for distribution to students must be purchased by the student through the bookstore. These materials include:
- Reprints of library holdings;
- Reprints of magazine articles, etc.;
- Reprints of pleadings, transcripts, etc.;
- All materials to supplement or to be used in lieu of a textbook or casebook;
- Other materials deemed appropriate by the faculty or administration. Sale prices of the above items will include the actual costs of any negatives or special plates and bindings.
Please contact Stefanie Pickard with questions about the Copy Center. She can be reached at
Paul L. Boley Law Library
Reference Desk: 503-768-6688
Circulation Desk: 503-768-6676
Attorney Services: 503-768-6705
Attorney Services FAX: 503-768-6760
The law library is open to all law students and to attorneys in the general Portland area. Library hours can be found by calling “Library Hours” at 503-768-6687.
Final Exam, Semester Break, Summer Term and Holiday hours will be posted. For additional information regarding the services, policies and procedures of the law library, see the Handbook which is distributed by the library.
Law School Bookstore
503-768-6722 - Law Bookstore Manager 503-768-6747
Located near the Student Lounge on the second floor of the Legal Research building, the bookstore stocks required class materials, Hornbooks, outlines, supplies, sundries and apparel. Summer hours can be varied. Call to confirm.
Law School Cafeteria (Homestead)
Food Service is provided by Bon Appetit. Hours vary according to when school is in session. The cafeteria is closed during the breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. During the summer, food service is available when classes are in session.
Coffee Cart
“Brewed Awakenings” is located on the second floor of the Legal Research Center next to the bookstore. Coffee drinks, teas, juices, soft drinks, and assorted cookies, muffins, bagels and fruit are available to purchase. Hours vary according to when school is in session. 503-768-6753
Campus Safety
The Office of Campus Safety is located at the Visitor Information Center on the Lewis & Clark College campus. It is open and operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. There are uniformed Campus Safety officers and a director and supervisor who provide patrol and other services to the campus community. Campus Safety officers do not carry weapons. They are licensed as “unarmed private security professionals” in the State of Oregon. They have the same arrest powers as a private citizen, as provided in the Oregon Revised Statutes 133.225.
Campus Safety officers are responsible for a wide range of safety services to the Lewis & Clark community, including all crime-report investigations, medical and fire emergencies, traffic accidents, and enforcement of all college and law school policies.
The campus emergency number is 503-768-7777.
The routine business number is 503-768-7855.
Dial 911 on or off campus. Campus Safety should also be notified at 503-768-7777 if the emergency is on campus. After hour emergency care is provided at local hospital emergency services. A current listing is available on the Health Center phone message—503-768-7165.
Student Health Services
Phone: (503-768-7165)
FAX: (503) 768-7167
The Student Health Service is located in lower lever of Fowler Student Center on the Lewis & Clark College’s undergraduate campus. The Student Health Service provides services to all enrolled law students. Services offered include:
- Evaluation and treatment of illness and injury
- Physical exams
- Women’s health examinations, STI testing, pregnancy screening, birth control counseling and supplies (including the morning-after pill)
- Dietitian counseling
- Travel medicine consultation and vaccinations. Information and advice on health risks in developing countries
- Routine vaccinations and allergy injections
- Laboratory testing
- Referral to off campus medical providers and specialists
- After hours nurse consultation service is available at 1-800-607-5501. Calls are taken from 4 PM to 8 AM Monday - Friday and 24 hrs. a day on weekends and holiday
There is no charge for office visits and consultations. Fees are charged for medications, vaccinations, dietitian consultations, laboratory tests and some medical procedures. Check with your insurance company to see about possible reimbursement, as Lewis & Clark charges may not be covered under your plan. Student Health does not bill insurance companies directly but will provide a receipt for services that can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, September through April.
Student Health Insurance
What should I do about Health Insurance when attending Lewis & Clark?
Lewis & Clark College requires that all degree-seeking and visiting law students have medical insurance coverage comparable to that offered through its comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan. Students may use the Lewis & Clark Student Health Service and Counseling Service regardless of whether they are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan.
Lewis & Clark selects an insurance carrier with a broad provider network, giving students the freedom to choose doctors or health care providers when they are needed in the Portland area or when traveling. Please visit the Student Health Insurance website to see current details about the Student Health Insurance plan and requirements:
Students will be automatically enrolled in and charged for the school-sponsored insurance policy each year. If you have access to other personal insurance, which is comparable to the Student Health Insurance Plan, you may waive the school’s insurance. Students are afforded one opportunity at the start of each academic year to waive the school’s coverage. A new waiver must be submitted each year. To find out if your proposed insurance is meets the College’s standard for health insurace, go to: To learn about waiving the school sponsored insurance plan, go to:
The following resources may be of help to people with chemical dependency problems or their friends and family.
Eating Disorders: St. Vincent’s Hospital Eating Disorders Program 503-216-2025
On Campus:
Student Health Center: 503-768-7165
Human Resources: 503-768-7835
Lewis & Clark Counseling Office:
Associate Dean for Student Affairs Libby Davis at the Law School, 503-768-6610;
Off Campus:
- Addiction Guide
- Alcohol and Drug Helpline, 503-244-1312
- Alcoholics Anonymous, 503-223-8569
- Alcoholics Victorious, 503-245-9629
- Al-Anon, 503-292-1333
- Cocaine Anonymous, 503-256-1666
- Drug Abuse Prevention
- Narcotics Anonymous, 503-727-3733
- Oregon Attorney Assistance Program, 503-226-1057
The following resources are for support of people who are in a relationship with alcoholics or addicts or grew up in drug/alcohol or other dysfunctional homes:
- Co-dependents Anonymous, 503-285-8891
- Al-Anon, 503-292-1333
- Oregon Coalition Again Domestic & Sexual Violence
Lewis & Clark College Facilities
Frank Manor House
The Frank Manor House, a 35-room Tudor-style mansion designed by architect Herman Brookman and built in 1924-25, was the centerpiece of the 63-acre Fir Acres estate, which also included a cottage-style gatehouse, a conservatory, and a rose garden. Today the Frank Manor House serves as the administrative core of the College. It houses the offices of the President, Vice Provost, Business Office, Campus Planning, and Undergraduate Admissions.
Pamplin Sports Center Athletics Facilities
The college’s athletics facilities were created to serve the needs of varsity athletics, instructional programs and recreational sports.
Pamplin Sports Center and Zehntbauer Swim Pavilion feature three basketball courts (also used for volleyball and badminton); an eight-lane swimming pool; a weight-training room with Nautilus, Davis and Universal machines, free weights, stationary bikes, stair steppers, treadmills, elliptical machines; and locker rooms with saunas. Outside there is Griswold Stadium, which includes Eldon Fix Track (an eight-lane all-weather surface) and a football/soccer field.
The outdoor pool, located on the grounds behind the Frank Manor House, is open during warm weather through Labor Day. There are six tennis courts, four next to Pamplin Sports Center and two near the outdoor pool. Three of the four courts adjacent to Pamplin Sports Center are covered by an air dome.
To the extent athletics facilities are available for recreational purposes, law students are entitled to use the facilities and to have equipment, if available, issued to them upon request. Law school I.D. cards are required for the use of the facilities and the issue of locks, lockers, towels and any recreational equipment. Law students using the facilities for recreational purposes may check out a locker in which they can place their street clothes and valuables while using the athletic facilities. Locks are provided. Lockers are assigned by the semester and may be renewed for use each subsequent semester. Locker assignments are restricted to undergraduate students enrolled in P.E. classes for the first two weeks of the undergraduate semester. After that time, any recreational user may be assigned a locker.
During those periods when the undergraduate college is in session, the Pamplin Sports Center will be open with supervisors and lifeguards on duty on a time schedule designed to serve the maximum number of students. Actual schedules are posted at the law school and Pamplin Sports Center. The law school’s identification card allows free admittance to home athletics contests.
Law students are eligible to participate in the college’s intramural program.
Summer building hours for Pamplin Sports Center are from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, contact the Athletics Department, 503-768-7545. Law students’ spouses and dependent children living at home also may use the athletics facilities by purchasing a dependent’s card at the main office in Pamplin Sports Center.
Fowler Student Center
Student and Departmental Account Services
Fowler Student Center, lower level
Hours: 8:30 a.m. ”“ 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Phone: 503-768-7829 (Student Accounts), 503-768-7825 (Perkins Loans) Fax: 503-768-7908
Note: Student and Departmental Account Services is closed the first working day of each month until 1:00 p.m.
Student and Departmental Account Services is responsible for the billing and collection of tuition, fees and other related costs of enrollment. For details regarding making payment to your student account, as well as information about the other services we provide, please visit our website.
On the first two days of the fall and spring semesters, representatives from Student and Departmental Account Services will be available on the ground floor of the Legal Research Center at the law school. They will be available between 9am and 6pm to process student account payments, sell parking permits and secure endorsements for student loans disbursed via paper check.
Our goal is for your student account to be settled by each semester’s due date ”“ and for it to remain settled throughout the term. We want to work with you to attain this goal. When your account is settled, there is no risk of late fees and/or holds. A settled account helps to ensure the processes of registration, requesting transcripts and graduation to flow smoothly. Please do not hesitate to contact our student account representatives with any questions or concerns regarding the status of your student account.
Services Provided
- Generating statements for student accounts with outstanding balances.
- Providing student account analysis.
- Processing payments.
- Working with Perkins Loan borrowers regarding repayment of their Perkins Loans.
- Processing refunds of credit balances on student accounts.
- Sale of parking and bus passes.
Student Financial Services Office
Phone: (503-768-7090) Fax: (503-768-7074)
Student Financial Services is located in the lower level of the Fowler Student Center on the main L&C campus. It is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Appointments are made upon request and a representative from the Student Financial Services office is available for appointments on the law school campus during the fall and spring semesters. Time and location will be posted.
College Bookstore
The Lewis & Clark College Bookstore serves the campus through a wide array of goods and services, with emphasis upon books (including a free special order service). Although owned by the college, the bookstore is contract-managed by Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, Inc. The Bookstore is usually open weekdays only, with hours that vary according to campus activities and the academic calendar. Current bookstore hours can be found by calling 503-7687880 and push option 3.
Meal Facilities
There are two meal facilities on the college campus available to law students during the undergraduate school year. Both are located in Fowler.
The Trail Room
The Trail Room is a snack bar and lounge area near the bookstore.
Fields Dining Room: (503-768-7890)
The main dining room serves cafeteria-style meals.
Mail Room (503-768-7867):
By U.S. Postal service regulation, the college mailroom cannot send registered or C.O.D. mail or insure letters or packages. UPS and Federal Express may now be shipped from the mail room. Federal Express mailings must be at the mail room before 3:00 p.m. International U.S. Postal mailing and Global Priority are also available. UPS is insured up to $100.00
Aubrey Watzek Library
- Circulation Desk - 503-768-7270 E-Mail:
- General Library - 503-768-7274
- Reference Desk - 503-768-7285 E-Mail:
- Administrative Office - 503-768-7575 or 7344 E-Mail:
- Interlibrary Loan Office - 503-768-7280 E-Mail:
- Archives and Special Collections - 503-768-7279
The library on the College campus is open to all law students during the following hours while College classes are in session:
To find the library hours during interim and summer school sessions, go to or call the general library number, 503-768-7274 and request library hours.
Agnes Flanagan Chapel and Chapel Programs
Office - 503-768-7085
FAX - 503-768-7084
Hilary Martin Himan, Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life - 503-768-7082
Agnes Flanagan Chapel serves as a place of worship and as a facility for concerts and lectures. The Chapel is open to students, faculty, and staff for prayer and meditation.
The Campus Events Office (x7109) arranges for the rental of the Chapels for weddings and schedules events in the chapel.
Student Activities and Organizations
Student organizations are an important component of the law school experience. The level of activity varies from year to year. Many groups have informational meetings at the beginning of the school year and new groups form each year. See the website listed above for a complete listing of organizations/activities and descriptions. Group contact information, such as group e-mail address and list serve address or contact person’s name, title, box and e-mail are found on the web:
The following list comprises many of the currently active groups at Lewis & Clark Law School as listed on the web.
Bylaws of the Student Bar Association
Student Affairs is located in Legal Research Center (LRC) on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
fax 503-768-6671
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Libby Davis
Associate Director of Student Affairs
Alyssa Salstrom
Director of Equity, Inclusion & Academic Resources
Alexandra Cook
Student Affairs
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219